Bar Service – Reception

Bar Service


A $300 fee covers all the costs of bartenders, and a security guard and required when hosting a bar.

Bar Options

Cash Bar

Price includes sales tax

$1 Coffee and Tea (inclded in most menus)

$1.25 Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite

$1.25 Orange, Cranberry, Grapefruit or Tomato Juice

$3.00 Michelob, Budweiser, Bud Light (16 oz draw)

$4.00 Cabernet, Chardonnay or White Zinfandel

$5.00 Single Well Drink

$5.00 Single Shot

$6.00 Premium

$8.00 Double Well Drink

$10.00 Premium Double

Open Bar

Pre-set Amount

The host has the option of paying the bar tab for a set time, pre-set dollar amount for for the whole event.

There is a $50 ordering fee per brand to stock special request liquor.

Toasting Package

You can purchase champagne for your guests at $17 per bottle (dry) or $23 per bottle (Asti)

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. Each bottle serves 8-10 and includes filled faux toasting glass circulated through the room by our staff prior to the bridal toast.

Glass and Silver Package $50

All items must remain property of the Bel Air Banquet Room

Ice Bucket

Toasting Glasses

Mint and Nut Trays

Serving Spoons

Cake Cutting Knives

Includes a Bottle of sparkling wine for Toast