Spaghetti Dinner Special!

Great for awards banquets, fundraiser dinners and company parties!

FREE ROOM RENTAL  Monday-Thursday (Includes 3 hours)

Friday rental fee=$300.00 includes 3 hours

Saturday rental fee=$600.00 includes 3 hours


50-100 $11.50 per guest (plus tax)
101-175 $10.50 per guest (plus tax)
176-250 $9.95 per guest (plus tax)
Per person price will increase if original count decreases to below 50 guests. Your tables will be covered with table cloths and dinner will be served on disposable dinnerware. All condiments, napkins, and utensils will be available for your guests and included. We designed this dinner with the budget banquet in mind! Your guest will enjoy our homemade meat sauce over fresh cooked pasta

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. We include tossed salad with light Italian dressing, fresh baked dinner rolls and Shelly’s chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Iced tea, coffee, Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite are included with the meal.

Sales tax  and 17% gratuity added to above pricing.